Saturday, March 10, 2012

Gone "Eyebombing" (70/366)

"Eyebombing is super fun! Parking meters are now welcoming, cheery-faced coin munchers."
Christy Rowland

A few days ago, my friend Christy posted a link on Facebook to this article on Eyebombing - the art of putting googly eyes (a very technical term) on inanimate objects (in a public place) to bring out their whimsical character, for the enjoyment of other passersby. She reported that she was planning on doing this around town - and because she already has an awesome collection of photos of things she'd "Like"d (literally - with Post-Its! So awesome), I knew she'd have a blast doing this and would bring smiles to tons of people. Christy lives in Washington so I don't get to hang out with her in person, but I thought it would be really fun to Eyebomb in San Francisco on the same day, so we could do this together, even in separate states.

Today was Nick's first Saturday off in a WHILE (he's been putting in 60-hour weeks at work lately), so I knew he'd want to get out and hang around our favorite city. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to go to the craft store for googly eyes, and I didn't want to make a special trip this morning and lose precious SF time, so I had to improvise. I used tape, a white-out pen, and a Sharpie. Here's most of what I got:

Though of course no one's expecting to see a pair of eyes on random objects, so they're already a fun surprise, I really kind of liked the ones that weren't always the easiest to see. They're kind of like a treat for someone who just happens to be looking at the right place or from the right angle. Sometimes those are even more special!

After our day of Eyebombing, we hopped in the car to head back home and I helped my Terminator air vent see a little bit better.

And while I did have to do a little bit of Photoshop comping to have both subjects in focus, I really liked this one:

Christy ain't lying. Eyebombing IS super fun. You should try it! Brighten your day, and maybe someone else's - who knows how many people you could reach?

Related Links:
Charles Leonard Inc., Wiggle Eyes, Peel'n Stick, Assorted Colors & Sizes, 100/Bag

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